Monday, December 13, 2010


We hope this post finds all of you enjoying your holidays!!! We want to send a MAHALO NUI to all of you who came and helped us celebrate the holiday with us!!! It was so great to see all of you! We also want to extend a special thank you to Pomaika'i Gaui and everyone who participated in our Caroling event at Hillside Rehabilitation Center!!!!!! Mahalo for sharing the Aloha spirit and Christmas Cheer!

Please save the date of January 15th, that will be our very first gathering of 2011, and we'd love to spend it with all of you! We'll be continuing our "Makawalu Series", this time sharing traditional Native Hawaiian naming practices, followed by a basic Hawaiian language lesson, the better to enable you to pronounce Hawaiian names, place names, and more. Saturday, January 15th, 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. potluck, 2531 S. 400 E. in Room 106. We will be posting the flyer shortly. Until then, posted below are some pics from our Christmas event, we hope you enjoy it, and next time, we hope to see ALL of you there! From Hui Hawai`i O Utah Hawaiian Civic Club to all of you, Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Everyone's invited! Join us in celebrating the holidays on Saturday, December 11th at the Columbus Center, 2531 S. 400 E. for our Annual Christmas Party! From 2 - 6pm, potluck, kanikapila! This year we'll be caroling at the Hillside Rehabilitation Center, from 2 - 2:30, and those interested are invited to meet a little earlier at the Columbus Center, at 1:30. We will be caroling in honor of our beloved kupuna who passed this year, Aunty Shirley Kalawai`a, Tutu Annabeth Squires, and Uncle Henry Vincent. We would LOVE for you to join us! Here are the list of carols we'll be singing:

Mele Kalikimaka

Kani kani pele

Po La`i E

12 Days of Christmas Hawaiian Style

Christmas Island

Deck the Halls

The Christmas Song

O Holy Night

Here is a link that will enable you to download the lyrics in a .zip file

We hope you can join us! Bring your guitars and ukuleles! Bring the whole family!

Food, friends and family and fun!!! See you there!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

25th Anniversary Celebration

If a picture is worth a thousand words then this will definitely be a lengthy post! We would like to thank each and every person who had a hand in making this anniversary party a success. We would like to thank na kupuna who started the club, who prepared the ground for our planting, nourishing and growing for the next generation's harvesting. We look forward to the upcoming year, with the many fun, culturally engaging and exciting events we have planned. We look forward to the next 25 years and hope it finds the club and our people prospering.

These are just a few shots, be on the lookout for our club newsletter, available to members, which will have a lot more photos from that evening. MAHALO!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


OH MY!!!!!!!!!! Our very own Soulee Stroud is the new President of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs!!!!! Let's put this in perspective for those not familiar with the civic clubs.....there are many clubs spanning across the country, from Hawai`i, to Alaska, all the way to Washington D.C. and we are still growing every year. Each club is dedicated to our Native Hawaiian people in all aspects, from cultural to physical, spiritual and beyond. Combining the members from each club, we number around 5,000 NATIVE HAWAIIANS. ALL WORKING TOWARDS THE BETTERMENT OF OUR PEOPLE. And Uncle Soulee is at the head of that. While a huge honor, we won't kid you, it is HARD WORK! But Uncle's `ohana is strong. They're dedicated. And he has HUGE support from his home club, (US) and from the Mainland Council, and from numerous other organizations, individuals and families. We are stepping into a new era and we are excited that Uncle Soulee is at the helm.

Now. We have our upcoming Christmas Party, we know December is a busy time for everyone, naturally, but we'd like to take a little time to share with all of you. As part of our extended circle, we want to share at least a part of our Holiday season with all of you. So with that in mind, we invite you to join us at our Annual Christmas party, Saturday, December 11th at the Columbus Center, 2431 S. 400 E. Please see flyer above. Mahalo!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

25th Anniversary!

Welina mai nei....we are slightly astounded at our quickly approaching 25th anniversary. Why astounded? Because we are only able to stand here because of the hard work, dedication and aloha of those civic club founders and members who have come before us and we are astounded at what their hard work has wrought. We are also excited. Very excited for all of the wonderful things in store for our club and our community.

KALEA is now a part of Hui Hawai`i O Utah and the potential for us to do huge and amazing things together in the community is a reality that keeps us humble, and the positive energy generated keeps us invigorated and energized. Ka `ohana Tejada, Uncle Mike, Lincoln, Johnny and their `ohana by means of their generously sharing their wa`a, have gifted this community and upcoming generations. Their sheer wholehearted aloha has served to re-energize and inspire our community and for that, we are ever grateful and humbled. MAHALO.

Halau Kawaiulu has re-emerged, with our entering once again into the Makahiki season. The cultural depth, and subsequent flow, serves to spiritually, culturally and emotionally feed na haumana a Kawaiulu, which in turn better allows them, and our club to be culturally enriched outside of the Makahiki season. Halau Kawaiulu is a Hawaiian studies type of piko, a cultural resource designed to increase the amount of `oiwi that are connected to their Native Hawaiian culture. This increases our resources, our waiwai, with the amount of `oiwi in our community who are culturally grounded and therefore able to share with others. While Halau Kawaiulu is an initiative through Hui Hawai`i O Utah Hawaiian Civic Club, they participate community wide by means of Hawaiian language classes, cultural workshops, conducting protocol, serving as Haku for ho`oponopono sessions and more. Be on the lookout for a series of cultural workshops by Halau Kawaiulu in 2011.

While our club's strength is in na mea Hawai`i, we are committed to the entire well being of our people and that includes ho`ole`ale`a, or having fun. Our civic club was active in the promotion of recent concert here in Salt Lake City that featured `Ekolu, as well as our favorite REBEL ZION, Natural Roots and Evalution. Brought to us by Fairwinds Productions and other sponsors, and held at Bar Deluxe, it was a fun way for us to support local owned businesses, and local bands and local music. Here are some pictures from that night.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Film Screening: Princess Ka'iulani

Mahalo nui to all that came out to see the movie with us!!! The absolute best part of the evening was getting to share our mana'o after the screening!! The ability for us to engage in discourse is ours by right, but it is also our responsibility to make sure we not only continue to gather, talk and discuss, but make plans to move the momentum forward. We appreciate all of you for coming out to see the film, and for sharing your time, and sharing your mana'o. Here are some photos from that night.