Sunday, March 27, 2011

April Events!

Aloha kakou!

For the month of April we'll be gathering on the 16th, for good food, good friends and good fun! We'll be having easter activities, an Easter Bingo, so make sure to check back here often for more information, and we'll be sending the postcards out shortly!

Lots in store for the month of April, which is right around the corner!!! For all club members, if you have not been contacted by Cheryl or U'i, they will be contacting you soon for your kokua for our club's upcoming scholarship fundraiser. Our club will be selling kalua pork for only $5.00 a pound. All proceeds go towards our scholarship fund to assist our Native Hawaiian children in obtaining higher education! Your kokua is so greatly needed!

Pick up will be at the Hawaiian Cultural Center on April 30th, funds due by our gathering on April 16th. Any questions, call Cheryl at 801.259.7386 or Ui at 801.864.3637 or the number on the flyer. MAHALO in advance for all of your support and assistance!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aloha e Kupulau! (Hello Spring!)

Sorry it's been a while since our last post!!! We are pleased to report that the Anti-Affirmative Action Bill did not go through, so that's one thing to celebrate!!! We're sure it'll rear it's ugly head again during the next session, but with our efforts to inform our community, many more people will be aware and actively watching for it come next year, which is a great thing.

Last week Club Pelekikena Tina Cabiles-Carden was in Arizona for work and attended the Arizona Aloha Festival. There she was priviledged to meet members of the newest Hawaiian Civic Club, Laukanaka No Hawai'i. Her favorite person, was Kupuna "Pineapple Kamakea". Of course they bonded, both being from Wai'anae, and from the very same street, no less! She says, "It was incredible to get to visit and wala'au with our newest civic club!! So encouraging to see so many active kupuna who are engaged in positive work in the community. I look forward to being able to see them at Mainland Council gatherings and at Convention!"

She was also able to meet Dirk Soma and Kaui Asing, with OHA's Continental Community Outreach. She spoke for a bit with Kaui Asing, who shared the goals of the Continental Community Outreach program, and says she looks forward to further contact with Kaui and Dirk and seeing about creating an opportunity for them to come and meet community leaders, cultural practitioners and community members here in Utah sometime in the near future. Exciting potential to build great partnerships!

GOT PA'I 'AI? Join Malama Haloa O Utah on Wednesday, March 30th at a Community Ku'i at the Hawaiian Cultural Center, 6 - 8:30 p.m. Come and experience making pa'i 'ai, bring the 'ohana and learn about this beautiful cultural practice and how together you, and Malama Haloa O Utah can continue this practice right here in Utah! Potluck dinner served, please bring a dish to share! For more information on ordering, please visit their blog!

DON'T FORGET! Our next club gathering will be on Saturday, April 16th from 3 - 6pm at the Columbus Center, 2531 S. 400 E. in Room 106. Potluck, fun activities for the entire 'ohana! Keep watching for more information!

Our club will be participating in Lei Aloha O Ka 'Ohana's 'Ohana Saturday on April 30th from 3 - 6 p.m., come join us, talk story, hang out, participate in the FREE activities and events that day, incluing a FREE screening of "Ka'ilila'au's Canoe" which aired via "Emme's Island Moments" back home in Hawai'i.

Here's a link to our last Club newsletter, the Spring issue will be out during the first week of April, make sure you sign up to receive it!