Thursday, June 9, 2011

E kala mai

E kala mai for the lapse between updates!!! First things first, MAHALO to all those who helped with our shave ice booth at Living Traditions,and for those that supported it!!!! As our biggest fundraiser each year, we not only appreciate the many hands that come to assist, but the many people who come and enjoy the shave ice as well. Again, MAHALO!

Our June Gathering will be Saturday June 18th from 3 - 6pm at the Columbus Center. We're having a FREE showing of the film "Keepers of the Flame", a documentary by Eddie and Myrna Kamae about 'Iolani Luahine, Edith Kanaka'ole and Mary Kawena Puku'i. Lovers of Hawaiian history, Hawaiian culture and hula won't want to miss this!!! Speaking of hula, for na keiki we're also having a FREE hula workshop that day! Potluck, please bring a dish to share. See the flyer for more information.

Also in June, the Pacific Islander Medical Student Association (PIMSA) are having their Annual Utah Pacific Islander Health Summit, this year it will be held at Salt Lake Community College Redwood Campus. Great opportunity to get free screenings, while supporting an important community event.

Lastly, our newsletter is out, because of the file size, it's easier to provide the link for you to view/download yourselves. Here's the link! We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy creating it!!!

We hope to see you on June 18th, if you have any questions, mai hilahila, please feel free to call 801-913-8980. MAHALO!