Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Kāpili ‘Oihana Internship Program (KOIP) is now accepting applications for college interns for the 2012 summer session and humbly asking for your support in helping to recruit students. The session operates from May 21, 2012 to August 10, 2012. All KOIP interns must commit to a site for at least 120 hours (part-time) or 240 hours (full-time) in a 12-week period. KOIP is open to all eligible applicants that are 18 years or older and currently enrolled in college.

Kāpili ‘Oihana, meaning “to build a career or profession,” strives to provide Native Hawaiian college students with the opportunity to apply academic experience in a real world environment, meet and learn from professionals in their field of interest, develop skills and competencies and build their network of contacts in hopes of increasing their hiring potential upon graduation.

To be considered, applicants must submit an online KOIP Intern Application and also provide a cover letter, a resume and verification of current college enrollment.

Internship stipends may be available through Kamehameha Schools’ Financial Aid & Scholarship Services (FASS) department. Internship stipend applications are available only to students who have been offered and have accepted a non-paid internship position through the Kāpili ‘Oihana Internship Program. Awards are limited based on the availability of funding.

Interns looking for opportunities in a variety of different fields are encouraged to apply. The deadline for internship applications submission is Wednesday, February 29, 2012. For more information, available internship sites and to download the application, please visit http://apps.ksbe.edu/cphc/career-services/t/application-process, or contact Jewel Henderson at jehender@ksbe.edu or by phone at (808) 534-8329.

HB2875 Hawaiian Language Immersion Bill to be heard on Feb 8A

Aloha kakou,
Thought this might be of interest to the many of us who are passionate about our language.

HB2875 requires that HI State Assessment tests for Hawaiian Language students grades 3-6 be given in Hawaiian rather than English. Here is a link to view the bill.

The bill will be heard on Feb. 8th by the House Committee of Hawaiian Affairs, chaired by Rep. Faye Hanohano.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Everyone says it, "Where has the time gone?" and we'll chime in right along side them, because we're amazed that January has passed so quickly!!! Our recent club gathering this past Saturday was fun, with everyone visiting and for those of us who aren't so great at making lei (read: TINA) still enjoying everyone's company. We have a fun, and different activity planned for February, we're just waiting on some confirmations and we'll begin letting everyone know.

We do have our Mainland Council Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs quarterly gathering in February, and we're looking forward to sharing time, space and mana'o with club leaders from across the Continental United States. We hav
e a grant "boot camp" workshop scheduled, which will hopefully enabl
e us to secure funding to better assist in our people's and our community's growth.

We do want to share some of the amazing initiatives occurring in our community, especially the amazing work of `Anapesi Ka`ili, take a look at
the flyer below. It just can't get any easier to stay abreas
t of issues that impact us as Pacific Islanders!! Please help spread the word!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Recent Happenings

It's been a while since our last posting, we hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season! Here are some of the things we've been up to.....

December 11th, we had the honor and privilege to represent our Hawaiian community here in Utah by presenting an oli and makana for Tongan Royal Princess Pilolevu Tuita at the South Towne Expo Center. Here's a shot of us directly after, L-R: Charlene Lui 1st V.P., Soulee Stroud President for the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, Tina Cabiles-Carden Club president.

This month our club gathering will be on Saturday, January 28th. We'll have a fun yarn lei making activity, and learn some basic protocols for lei making and lei giving. FUN!! Bring the family down, potluck dinner to be served, please bring a dish to share!
We are also eagerly anticipating the release of Hokulani Aikau's new book, A Chosen People A Promised Land . While we are excited when Native Hawaiian authors present their works, this one is especially exciting for us. Hokulani is the daughter of Uncle Ned and Aunty Sharon Aikau, and while that enough is cause for us to celebrate this release, the subject matter of this work is one that has relevance for so many here. We encourage you to purchase a copy!

Within the next few weeks this blog will be undergoing some reconstruction, we're excited about that. We aim to make it more user friendly. MAHALO!!!